Thursday, March 3, 2011

VIP, lost tooth, dates and much more

Busy does not even come anywhere near describing what my life is right now!  To give you an example, I don't have one free Saturday until June!  Not ONE!  So, I have been bad about blogging but will try to do some catch up here.

2 weeks ago Jace got VIP for his class.  He was beyond excited!  Every Monday since school has started he has told me, "Maybe this week I will get VIP."  The kid tries so hard, all that dang energy just gets in the way.  When his teacher emailed me and told me about him getting VIP I called Josh and told him, to which he replied, "Did they run out of kids to give it to"?  We love Jace so much but we know better then anyone how he can be.

Rylan lost his very first tooth last week!  When he first realized it was loose he told me, "Finally I have a loose tooth, I am the only person in this family that still has my baby teeth."  The night he lost his tooth I was soooo sick and had gone to bed early.  Thankfully the tooth fairy still made an appearance.  I was shocked to find out that HE left Ry $4.00 for one tooth.  Holy Cow!

This week Ry got asked on a date to Chuck E. Cheese.  This by the same girl who continually declares her love for him and I caught attempting to kiss him on the bus, to which Ry replied "we are way to young for this kind of behavior."  The kid cracks me up!

Our 1st wrestling tournament is on Saturday and I am so excited!  Jace is doing amazing at practice and Ry actually is really liking it this year.  He is 100 times more aggresive then last year, which still isn't much but hopefully this year he won't laugh the whole way through his match.  Jace has been doing 5 1/2 hours of practice a week.  4 hours of freestlye and 1 1/2 hours of greco.  I hope all his hard work really pays off.

And... I have midterms next week.  I cannot believe that it is already time for midterms!  I am half way done with my first semester.  I think my schooling is going to go much faster then I think.  I am also shocked at how much harder the classes are then I imagined them to be.  I am still getting A's in both my classes but it is taking alot more work then when I went to school for my MA.