Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A weekend of painting

This last weekend we painted our house.... we should have done it 5 years ago. I will NEVER paint my house again... I will pay someone to do it. It was not a good exeperience for me or for my marriage!! Josh gets very grumpy when he does fix-ups around the house and this size of a project was way to much for him. Anyway - point being it was not a fun weekend!!!

But the house looks soooooo much better!!! I didn't think to get a before picture but take my word it looks 100 times better. Next thing to do is replace the doors and the florring then hopefully the house will be going on the market!

Back to preschool

Ry started back to preschool today. It is his 2nd year in preschool... his last year in preschool. I can't even begin to talk about him going to Kindergarten because the mere thought of it puts me into tears. So I have a whole year to not talk about it and I plan to utilize it!

Ry was so excited to go to school today... there was no tears! I was standing there talking to his teacher and a couple of the moms when he came up to me and said "Mom... when are you going to leave?" Apparently there was no issue with him being left.

So now I have 3 days a week with no kids for 2 1/2 hours.... whatever shall I do with my time?!