Tuesday, July 21, 2009

my surgery

On Friday the 17th I went into the hospital at 5 am for my hysterectomy. It was just time to do it... even though I am only 30 I have had so many problems and have had anemia for so long now it needed to be done. I have done nothing but dream of babies for the last month.

I went in at 5 am and my surgery started at 7... it was suppose to be a simple procedure (no cuts) but turned into 17 staples across my abdomen and the removal of an ovary which was not planned. That is the kinda luck I have.

All in all I am doing ok... they released me from the hospital on Monday and as long as I stay on my pain meds every 4 hours my pain is pretty minimal. I am sooooo very blessed and grateful I have the family and friends I do, I know my boys are taken care of and I can just take this time to get better and not have to worry about them. I can not imagine any of these people not in my life and I hope they all know how special they are to me.