Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter weekend

We had such a great weekend! We had one child in Nevada with left us with our baby for the whole weekend. That kid is a different child when his brother isn't here to boss him around.

On Friday evening we went to eat and grocery shopping.... Riley was so tuckered out when we got home I just couldn't help capturing this pic of him sleeping.... I love to watch my boys sleep, sometimes I will just sit by there bed and watch them sleep for along time.

Sat.. we woke up and headed off to the Easter egg hunt... Riley did pretty well but had his eye on an egg way out in the outfield and missed about 20 eggs running to the one he wanted. We deceided that afternoon it was so beautiful to go fishing.... now I love to fish as long as I am catching something.. otherwise it is sooooo boring for me. Riley agreed.. he threw his pole in once and within 5 minutes was bored to death. Luckily there was a slide nearby so we went sliding for awhile while dad fished. We then went home and BBQ's hamburgers and I fried up the fish Josh caught.

On Sunday we got up and saw the Easter bunny had been there... then headed to my mom and dads for Easter breakfast... we decided to do a family picture and I have not laughed like that in awhile. My mom really wanted her cat to be in the pic.. but that cat had other ideas!

That afternoon we had dinner with Joshs sister and brother and there families. It was just a really good weekend! Oh and Jace had a great time in NV.


Beth said...

What a fun weekend!

I still love to watch Jacob sleep... and he is almost 16.

I hope Riley got the egg he had his eye on... we experienced the same thing with Jacob's 1st egg hunt... but each one he would go for way out, would get snatched up before he got there... it ended up being a very sad tearful event, it almost ruined Easter for him forever!

We love that pond to fish in... well I just take pics while the boys fish. It's boring for me to fish too, and if I caught one it would gross me out... so I am much better on the other end of a camera, than a fishing pole.

I want to know how you cook the fish they caught though! I need lessons on that part!!

What a fun weekend, thanks for posting, I love to read your blog!!