Sunday, November 29, 2009

The hunt for the perfect tree

I am doing this different because my blog is acting weird... so I will post all pics and then tell the story.

Every year Josh and the boys go to the mountains to search for the perfect Christmas tree and every year I struggle with the decision of whether or not I should go. I HATE the cold and the snow but feel like I am missing out on some major memories being made. I know when my kids get older they are going to remember the tradition of doing this every year and I am not going to be apart of that. BUT I have alot of my own things I do with the boys that Josh is unable to do because of work so I always come to the decision that I will stay home and let this be Josh;s tradition. I really really hate the snow.

That being said... Josh and the boys went to the mountains yesterday and found the "perfect" tree. I use that term very loosely... they love the fresh cut trees. I don't so much, I like the really full ones you get when you go to a stand and buy one but again this is there memories being made.

So today we were able to decorate it. I LOVE how my tree is decorated, it isn't pretty or stylish but all the ornaments on it are ones my boys have made for me or ones I have bought specifically for them. I wouldn't have it decorated any other way and this was the first year I let them do it all and didn't hover and change them. I will be the first to admit I am a bit of a control freak and have a hard time letting them do it all when they have 5 ornaments on 1 branch but I let it be this year and I really really love it.

I love this time of year and the magic it brings with it when you have young kids!