Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's ok mom... I'm not choking!

This afternoon after getting off the bus we got home and on the way into the house Ry found a nickel on the ground. Never did I think when he picked it up to tell him don't put it in your mouth. I thought we had been through those instructions many times in the past.

Imagine my shock when Ry comes up to me very calmly and says "mom... remember that nickel I had. Well I swallowed it and I can feel it stuck in my throat. But it's ok mom, don't worry, I am not choking. I will be fine."

Me... in total panic mode. "WHAT?! Are you serious? no it's not ok (running in circles now) it is defenitely not ok!"

We arrived at the ER and of course they took him back quickly not knowing if any minute the coin that is stuck in his throat will shift and cut off his air supply. After X-rays it was shown that the coin was actually in his stomach and not in his throat.

I have now told him for future reference not to eat money... or anything other then food for that matter. He has agreed and as we walked out of the hospital he told me "mom... i sure am glad THAT is over."


MommyJessy08 said...

Poor Ry :( I sure hope everything works out.

Beth said...

I love that you guys have the xray that shows the nickle... I hope it all comes out okay (no pun intended...well maybe).