Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Helping the house

We live in a house that is over 50 years old.. so maintenance is going to happen. As much as my husband can't stand "fixing" the house it is going to happen. The latest is the shower wall in the bathroom.. it was completely rotten. Literally if you pushed on it it was going to fall through so Josh spent the entire weekend replacing the wall.... which did not make him happy. He thought he had everything he needed but Sunday realized he had to go to Home Depot... and we all know going to Home Depot is alot easier if you go by yourself.... without a 4 year old and a 2 year old... but......

As you can see the boys were not going to let that happen!! So Josh headed off to Home Depot with both boys and I got a couple hours to myself. I love it when that happens!!

My next project is reapainting my dining room.. My kitchen is done in Sunflowers so I am painting it a light yellow... which is another issue with my husband because he asked me the other day "Yellow?? Like Bumblebee yellow?". He thinks it is going to look terrible. One wall in my dining room had wood paneling on it and I was so sick of it... so last night while Josh was still at work me and the boys started ripping paneling off.... with a fingernail file cuz that was all I could find.... Josh was not impressed with my choice of tools. It worked great until it broke! After we pulled off the paneling we saw that it was this horrible green underneath... I am telling you these people that built the house have no style whatsoever.

I am painting this weekend while hubby is gone hunting (so I don't have to hear how yellow is going to look horrible). I will post the results.


Beth said...

This is hilarious!!

I am laughing at your choice of tools too!!

But mostly at the fingernail polish post... yep, boy nail polish is called grease! LOL!!!! Josh still sounds worried about you having way too much girly influence on the boys.

Good luck with the painting... I bet it will look fabulous!

Too funny... keep posting!! I love boys!!