Monday, November 24, 2008

An early Christmas present!!

So on Saturday Josh and I went and finished up our Christmas shopping. We got pretty much everything done with the exception of a few stocking stuffers. We also bought something (ok I bought something) just for me... well not really just for me since everyone in the family can use it and are using it!

It's a Nintendo Wii!! It is so much fun and quite a work out... I could barely get out of bed this morning I was so sore... even Jace has been complaining that his muscles hurt today. Hopefully next month I will be buying the Wii Fitness and start working out... although the tennis and baseball gives you plenty a work out in itself!!


Beth said...

Very fun, we are loving ours... I love that finally I can do something and beat the boys on the video games.

Although I suck at his Tiger Woods golf game.

I have the Wii Fitness waiting for me in Seattle, my sister got it for my birthday and is holding it for when we go over for Christmas... I am so excited!