Saturday, November 8, 2008

One final weekend without Josh

Yesterday I decided to take the boys out and do something fun. We went and saw Madagascar 2... it was really cute. I even took my camera but it was dead when I went to turn it on... darnit!
It was really good to get out of the house and go do something fun!

Today Jace woke up really really sick... I am not sure what is going on with him but he has a pretty high fever and says it hurts really bad to swallow... I suppose I will be taking him into the doctor in the next day or so if he doesn't start getting better. I love that Josh is able to get the time to go hunting because I know how much he enjoys it but man I hate going through all this stuff alone... it is not fun. At least I have an awesome book to read while we spend the rest of the weekend couped up in the house!!


Beth said...

You are such a great Mom and wife! What a trooper!

I think I would be complaining about now, with a sick kid and no husband in sight.

Hang in there! I bet it will be bliss to have him back home again.