Thursday, February 19, 2009

The tonsils are out!

We left yesterday morning at 6 am to the surgery center to have those tonsils out. Jace was in pretty good spirits considering he knew what was going on and was quite nervous about it. We dropped Ry off with my dad and headed in.

His surgery was set to start at 8 am and at 8:45 the doctor came out and told us everything went great and he was in recovery. I had my camera with me but honestly seeing him in recovery coming out of the anesthesia was a bit heartbreaking and not a picture I wanted to remember so I took no pictures while he was in the center itself. They released us and we were home by 10:30... WOW! I couldn't believe how fast it all was. Here he is on the way home... after the morphine.

And this is pretty much all he has been doing since he got home. He is still in enough pain and on enough meds that he is pretty well wiped out all day. The Dr. told me that I have to keep him down for 10 days.... anyone who knows Jace knows that is a nearly impossible task. But we are just taking one day at a time.


Beth said...

Awww he looks so sweet! Poor thing. I hope his healing process goes better.