Happy Birthday to MIL and I thought I woud post a few things about her that I love:
1. She raised 6 of the most wonderful kids you could imagine... everyone of them is a great person!
2. She gave up everything to raise those kids and make them first in her life... she is probably the most giving and selfless person I have ever met.
3. She is sooo funny.... she will go from one subject to the next in a matter of seconds... but it keeps it entertaining and I laugh all the time around her.
4. She makes me want to be a better mom.
5. She is such an awesome grandma to my boys... she always makes sure they are completely taken care of.
6. She comes over all the time "just to visit" and we can sit and chat for hours.
7. She gave me the love of my life!
Hope she has a fantatstic b-day!!!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
MIL's birthday
Friday, September 26, 2008
What a day!!! I woke up feeling kinda crummy anyway... feel like I am on the verge of getting sick! So after picking Jace up from Kindergarten I was suppose to meet my parents for lunch... I decided to stop and get the mail first ( a mess at noon) and as I was backing out there was a huge pickup on the right side of me I looked over my right shoulder and saw noone coming so I preceeded to back up just as I hear some woman yelling watch out.... BOOM... to late. I am really unsure as to what happened... I don't know if they were in my blind spot or had just pulled behind me but whatever the reason was I hit them. Of course it did about double the damage to my rig then it did to theirs... like literally just scratched the paint on theirs. So there I am sitting in downtown Homedale on the busiest road at noon and these people refuse to pull off the side of the road and call the police... I was like seriously!!! I told them lets trade insurance info and get on with it... there is maybe $50.00 worth of damage. NOPE! They call the police and of course everyone I know drives by. The police get there and even they were like there is virtually no damage. In the meantime my kids are totally freaking out, crying and screaming "Why are the gonna call the police... you are gonna get arrested". I called my dad to come get them because they were so scared.
So long story short the police did not cite me for anything they said it was just an accident.. of course the man is telling me how he is gonna get his car fixed and I caused the accident. Blah Blah Blah.
I finally made it to eat with my parents... but what a day!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just a day for me to remember
So I have been mulling over the idea of posting this on my blog.... It was not a happy time in my life but I realize that all monumental events are not always happy.... that doesn't mean we don't want to remember them. I am mainly posting this for me to remember (not that I could forget) but as time goes on the sadness will fade and the exact date may be hard to remember.
On August 3rd. I took a home pregnancy test and it came out positive... I could not believe it. I was shocked and actually felt like I may throw up! I have 2 beautiful, healthy boys and was not sure how I felt about having a 3rd. Of course that moment only lasted a few minutes and I became very excited! I called my Dr. the next day to make an appt and they told me I was about 6-7 weeks along. I was thrilled! That afternoon I started bleeding... I knew from having 2 normal healthy pregnancies something was very wrong. I called my Dr. and he said to come in and have a blood test done. I got the results back with some very devastating news.... I was having a miscarriage. I could not believe it... I thought that happened to other people... Not me. Unfortunately because I had already had 2 healthy pregnancies I had told everyone... that was horrible to have to tell them I was miscarriging.
I was only 6-7 weeks along but I felt such a tremendous loss.... so alone! I think that when a woman becomes pregnant she feels an immediate bond where the man feels it later on in the pregnancy. I felt like Josh had no idea what I was going through or even cared... I know it is not true but that is how I felt. I had a horrible week of physical and emotional issues relating to the miscarriage... and I am still saddened by it. I think that once you go to those places in your head... holding the baby, naming the baby and so on you feel as if they have been ripped away from you. I certainly felt that way.
I know that everything happens for a reason... that God has a plan for everything and I truly believe it. That is what gets me through things like this. I know in my heart it wasn't meant to be... for some reason that baby was not meant to come to Josh and I.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
9 years
9 years... that is how long Josh and I have been married. Last night we went out and celebrated our anniversary... even though it is actually on the 25th. We went and ate at Mona Lisa's and if you have not been there you are missing out... big time! It is so expensive we can only do it 1-2 times a year but it is soooooo yummy!
We had a great date... went out and ate and then rented a movie and came home just the two of us. It was alot of fun and I sure do love Josh.... even more then the day I married him!
I of course forgot my camera.... I always do.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A day to document
So I felt the need to document today.... Julie and I worked hard today. It is a running joke she and I have that we have such great jobs because we never do anything... it is only a joke... YES Beth we really do work (most days)!

A Sad leave
Well I am sad to report that Bella the cat is gone.... she was there yesterday when we left in the morning and when we got home she was gone. I kept thinking maybe she just went for a stroll and will be back but by this morning she was still gone. Jace is absolutely heartbroken.... he really liked that cat alot and spent most of his time at home with her. He has a theory and it goes like this..." Bella was in the front yard and someone stopped and picked her up and she tried as hard as she could to get out of the car but they wouldn't let her and they took her home.... because she would never leave me... she loves me to much"... I told him that is absolutely true she did love him and wouldn't purposely leave him.
It is a sad day around my house......
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A good little cat....

Yard sale!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Crazy Lady!!!!
So a couple of hours ago I noticed something rather odd... I noticed I am wearing 2 totally different shoes... like they are both black flip flops but that is the only thing they have in common. Seriously who does that??? One is quite a bit larger then the other... has a totally different design then the other and has quite a bit wider strap on it.
I seriously think somedays I am losing it!
If I had my camera I would post a pic.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Just for today
I received this email and it really touched me.... I think tonight I may shut off the phone and computer and TV and go outside and play in the grass with my boys.... life gets in the way so much sometimes it is easy to forget the little things!
To My Children- *Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play. *Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together. *Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles. *Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck and I will buy you one if he comes by. *Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned. *Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them. *Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys. *Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you. *Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry no matter how much it floods the bathroom floor. *Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars. *Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows. *Just for this evening when I run my fingers through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given. *I will think about the mothers And fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore. *And when I kiss you goodnight I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask Him for nothing, except one more day...
Monday, September 8, 2008
A tough day for Riley Roo
So today Riley went to preschool for only the second time. Before he left I explained to him that his teacher would be taking him to his daycare after school was done and I would pick him up there.... i thought we were in total understandment. So about 11:10 I get a call from his teacher (I never got a call when Jace was in school... which i thoroughly expected) and she said "he is crying for you and won't get in the car with me"... she put him on the phone and I explained to him that he needed to go with her and he just asked why I didn't pick him up like all the other moms? Gosh - break my heart! (I really despise the fact that I have to work)
So long story short he eventually got in the car with her... although she said he "sobbed" the entire way to daycare and she even had to carry him into daycare. He was fine by the time I picked him up this afternoon.... but boy it was a tough day for him!!!
A big weekend...
What a busy weekend...
On Friday we went bowling in Caldwell... Jace scored a 124, yes he had bumpers but still he got like 4 strikes in one game! I on the other hand barely broke 100! After that we went to The Golden Palace for dinner.
On Saturday we got up and headed to Boise to go to the Zoo.... I knew Art in the Park was also going on that day but I had no idea how bad it was going to be. 1st as we are pulling into downtown Boise my brother and I see a guy crossing the street while our light is green and proceeding to try and make it (he just about got hit).. he then went across the street and tried to fight a tree (after laughing so hard I was about to cry) we just said "What the heck was that!?" We pulled into the zoo at 10 am only to find there was no parking... anywhere! We ended up parking clear down by Broadway and walking to the zoo.... not fun when you have 2 small kids. After the zoo we attempted Art in the Park but there was sooooooo many people it scared me that I would lose the kids in about 2 seconds.... so we left. We went down to Chili's and ate and then went over the the "Fish park".... I am not sure the real name of it but it was fun.

All in all it was a fun yet busy weekend!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A blast from the past

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Another sad day for mom...
Today my baby started preschool. I cannot believe he is already in preschool. And he is def. still my baby... he loves to cuddle with me and still thinks i am absolutely perfect! He tells me all the time "You are my favortist mommy I have ever met". I really don't think I am ready for him to be in preschool.
He did great... no tears (his brother cried horribly his 1st day of preschool), I was a little worried that he may have a hard time. He told me this morning he would just rather stay home with me then go to preschool but I knew he would have a good time when he got there. Sure enough he did great! So here I sit with no kids..... it is a good thing I normally work or I would have no idea what to do with myself.