Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yard sale!

Last Friday and Saturday we had a yard sale at my sis-in-law's house in Caldwell. It was actually quite fun and I didn't do to bad considering I just threw a few things in and headed over. It ending up being a 5 family yard sale with lots of cool things. My bro-in-law made out like a bandit.... he ended up making about $450.00... whew!

I only got one pic but it cracked me up.... didn't want anyone to think this little guy was for sale!

On Sunday we spent a lazy day at home... well that is until Riley decided to "clean" the TV with a whole lotta water and it no longer worked. We ended up going here....

When we got home with our new TV ( did not buy a flat panel..... I refuse to spend $700.00 on a TV) Josh plugged in our old one and TADA... it worked fine... what a waste of a trip to town. So we are returning the new one and maybe buying a new vaccum... which the boys also tried to clean with a whole lotta water.


MommyJessy08 said...

Oh NO! At least the thought of cleaning was nice! I'm glad Jace likes Bella so much, that is a cute name for a cat.