Friday, September 26, 2008


What a day!!! I woke up feeling kinda crummy anyway... feel like I am on the verge of getting sick! So after picking Jace up from Kindergarten I was suppose to meet my parents for lunch... I decided to stop and get the mail first ( a mess at noon) and as I was backing out there was a huge pickup on the right side of me I looked over my right shoulder and saw noone coming so I preceeded to back up just as I hear some woman yelling watch out.... BOOM... to late. I am really unsure as to what happened... I don't know if they were in my blind spot or had just pulled behind me but whatever the reason was I hit them. Of course it did about double the damage to my rig then it did to theirs... like literally just scratched the paint on theirs. So there I am sitting in downtown Homedale on the busiest road at noon and these people refuse to pull off the side of the road and call the police... I was like seriously!!! I told them lets trade insurance info and get on with it... there is maybe $50.00 worth of damage. NOPE! They call the police and of course everyone I know drives by. The police get there and even they were like there is virtually no damage. In the meantime my kids are totally freaking out, crying and screaming "Why are the gonna call the police... you are gonna get arrested". I called my dad to come get them because they were so scared.

So long story short the police did not cite me for anything they said it was just an accident.. of course the man is telling me how he is gonna get his car fixed and I caused the accident. Blah Blah Blah.

I finally made it to eat with my parents... but what a day!


Beth said...

Oh YUK!!! And this will haunt you for weeks and weeks.

I'm so sorry, not a good way to start off your weekend huh?