Saturday, October 4, 2008

The ideal me....

The ideal me...Rules: if you're tagged, make sure to add one more ideal "thing" to the list, besides the items that are already there. Be as descriptive and random and silly as you want.

My ideal...

Snack: Apple slices with LOTS of peanut butter (you know so it is no longer healthy) but all the apple slices to myself... no kids taking them and puttting dirty fingers in my Peanut Butter.

Day: Wake up and spend all day with the 3 of my boys... a long drive to the mtns., a picnic lunch and lots of exploring then a nice dinner out on the way home. (luckily I get this day alot)

Book: I love to read... my ideal book is anything by Dean Koontz or Stephen King.

Weather: a nice 70 degree day... in the mtns.

Music: I can't say my ideal music because I love all kinds of music. Maybe something that me and my boys can dance to.

Vacation: with my boys... just up in the mtns. camping where time is not an issue and you do whatever you want. For me and hubby... cruise to Alaska. For me and friends... a few days in Vegas or NYC.

I Tag... noone... i need to get some friends with blogs!!!